Favorite place to shop: I like going to thrift stores, but if you are looking something you could use gift cards on ... Etsy.Favorite place to eat/type of food: Chinese, Sushi, frozen yogurt, Outback Steakhouse
Favorite genre of music and artist: changes all the time!
Favorite (real) animal (fictional comes later, don't worry): fruit bat
Favorite type of clothing: ???
Favorite single color: purpleFavorite pair of colors (TOGETHER, not just your first favorite and second favorite): purple and blue
Color you wear most often (if different than favorite): blue
Color scheme of current place of residence (if applicable): ???
General Books (there is an entire section on Harry Potter later, so non-HP please!):
Most coveted fictional item: Count of Monte Cristo collector's hardbackCurrent favorite novel/series: changes all the time
Favorite character from said novel: ???
What is it about the novel you like: ???
Favorite "classic": Count of Monte Cristo
All time favorite author/series: ... Harry Potter???
Preferred format for reading (hardback, paperback, ebook): paperback, unless its a favorite and I want something for display, then hardback
Harry Potter:
House affiliation (Chosen or Pottermore): HufflepuffWand makeup (Chosen or Pottermore): ... I don't remember....
Your Patronus (Chosen or from a quiz): my chosen patronus changes all the time!
Favorite book (extras included): can't choose!
Favorite movie: 5 or DH1
Favorite character(s): Dumbledore
Favorite villain (if applicable and different from favorite character): Snape
Favorite pairing: Remus/Tonks
Favorite spell: Bluebell flames
Favorite potion: That love potion that you get three smells from
Favorite fantastical beast: can't decide. I should probably read fantastic beasts and where to find them
Most coveted magical item: wand
Most coveted power/spell/potion (if different from favorite): ???
Non-HP nerdy-ness:
Other fandoms to which you belong: Star Wars, FireflyCurrent favorite television series(es) and favorite character: ONCE, Emma
Ended/cancelled favorite television series(es) and favorite character (if applicable): Firefly, Book
Favorite movie and character: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Azeem
Current favorite video game (if applicable): Jak and Daxter
Current favorite comic book series (if applicable): Bone
Fictional character you'd most like to cosplay: Sarah Sanderson (really, really, really want to do this!)
Favorite fictional animal (any mythology you like): Gryffin
Favorite fairy tale: don't know!
Favorite genre of book/comic/movie/tv: Fantasy
Most anticipated release of 2014 (of any kind): ???
Current hobbies (if applicable): video editing, writingCollections (if applicable): my bookshelf?
Favorite way to relax: reading, movie watching
Favorite hot drink/sweet treat: tea or hot chocolate
Any other obsessions: ???
Any allergies or dislikes: ???
Items you can't find near you that you miss: I would really like to try celery soda (not a miss because I've never had it, but there you go)
"Guilty" pleasure: ???
Technology you can't live without: My video editing software
Last Updated: 3/5/14
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