. . . . Hi! Soooooooooooooo, it's been a while, 'cause I'm awful at remembering to post. I usually am thinking of you guys and I go, "Oh yeah, I need to post." And then it never happens.
Story of my life.
Anyways. On with the questions!!!
Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
Lemony Snicket -You did not need 13 books. I understand why you wanted them but the middle few are just painful to get through.
There's a Manga called X-day. It was only 2 volumes but it was freaking amazing and I wished they did more with it! The ending, while realistic and fitting with the tone and the mood of the series (oooohhh look at me getting all English teacher-y), wasn't as satisfying as one would hope.
Day 25 - Any five books from your "to be read" stack
1. Divergent
2. Night
3. The Wave
4. Fahrenheit 451
*All 4 of these are books we are reading in English 10 and I need to read them . . . not that it's really happening but you know. I tried.
5. Shatterglass
*OMG I LOVE TAMORA PERICE - this is the last book in the Circle Opens quartet and I don't want it to end!!!
Day 40 - What is your policy on book lending?
They can keep it for all I care. I very rarely re-read books. It's hard enough for me to read through them the first time. Honestly my policy is if I can't remember what you borrowed, then obviously I didn't care that much. Now - this does not apply to ANY of my signed copies of books. That's why you buy a non-signed copy.
Day 52 - Favorite fictional villain?
Umbridge - she unites people in hatred against her. . . no one likes that bitch.
Day 54 - What distracts you easily when you’re reading?
Everything. Literally anything. . .oh shiny. . .sorry what was I saying? Right I get super distrac
Day 55 - Favourite film adaptation of a novel? Most disappointing film adaptation?
Ok my favorite adaptation isn't of a novel per se - it's a graphic novel. Batman: Under The Red Hood. It was brilliant, wonderful. As a stand alone and with background. They did a great job filling things in for people who are so-so with Batman, but stuck so true to the story line, and got such good actors that for a veteran like me it was like reading the book for the first time all over again.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters : WTF Why is Kronos alive? What the hell? Who is that? Is that supposed to be . . . ? Are you freaking serious? *Summary of my watching experience*
Day 56 - The most money I've ever spent in the book shop at one time?
Don't want to talk about it.
OK, well. I miss you all terrible and hope to see you soon!!!
LOVE!!!!!!! Mags
"Divergent" is awesome. You will not regret reading it.