Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Look Like I'm 12, But I Sign Like I'm Deaf...

I have two memories to share for this prompt:

HILARIOUS:  Mom and I attended the Geauga County Fair this past weekend with a friend of mine from work.  I should note here, though I don't know how it could really be relevant, that I was wearing my hair twisted up into a clip, a plain white t-shirt, my black goucho capris, and flip-flops.  Mom and I arrived after my friend, and were standing at the "Credit Card Only" line at the ticket counters.  Like most fairs and events of this sort, there's a discount available depending on your age.  Well, the woman behind the ticket counter took Mom's card (after Mom said "two please"), then looked over at me and asked, "Twelve and under?"

Really?!?!  Mom and I bust up laughing because it was just so ridiculous.  I mean, I'm used to getting weird looks whenever I tell people I'm twenty-five, and I know that I look young, but come on!  Eleven?!?!  I looked at her and told her no, I'm twenty-five, and she turned to Mom and asked if I was telling the truth.  WTF?  I still can't believe it.  I get the people who think I'm eighteen or twenty-one (again, I know I look younger than I am), but that's just silly.  Mom and my friend contend that it's because I was "wearing too much clothing" to be considered any older, and as I looked around at some of the teenagers at the fair, it made sense.  There were some outfits there that made me shudder and wonder if the wearers owned a full-length mirror.

MOVING:  When we were in undergrad, I worked over one summer for a small privately-owned Panera-ish restaurant called The Stone Oven Bakery & Cafe located in Beachwood Ohio.  On this particular day, I was assigned to run the cash registers.  A man and a woman stepped up to my register, and the woman ordered first.  Then, when it was the guy's turn, he started signing in ASL to her.  He spoke very well, but I noticed he wasn't wearing a hearing aid that I could see.  Anyway, I had to essentially treat her like an interpreter the entire time, which was taking forever and got really annoying really fast.  We had a line that was practically out the window, and they were just slowing it down.  I finally got sick of it and started signing to the man myself.  His eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "She's signing back to me!"  I was able to get their order out much faster, and the gentleman complimented me on knowing Sign even though I'm completely Hearing.  It was satisfying for me to know that I had learned something in college that I could apply to real life every once in awhile, though now my Sign is extremely rusty.  He also said I should be given a raise, but that never boss laughed at me for that one...

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